
A Church Called Tov: Forming a Goodness Culture That Resists Abuses of Power and Promotes Healing is unavailable, but you can change that!

“Scot and Laura do an amazing job of teaching us what a good church looks like.” —Beth Moore What is the way forward for the church? Tragically, in recent years, Christians have gotten used to revelations of abuses of many kinds in our most respected churches—from Willow Creek to Harvest, from Southern Baptist pastors to Sovereign Grace churches. Respected author and theologian Scot McKnight...

the good things he planned for us long ago.”[30] Peter, likewise, exhorts the church to practice tov—to “silence the ignorant talk of foolish people,” even in the face of fear and suffering.[31] “Those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good.”[32] Peter also says that we are to “submit [ourselves] for the Lord’s sake to every human authority” whose purpose is “to commend those who do right.”[33] As we mentioned above, we Protestants
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